Welcome! I am a developmental cognitive neuroscientist working in the Nelson lab at Boston Children’s Hospital. My research investigates the neurodevelopmental origin of social attention by studying the neural correlates of child visual attention and social perception from a brain network perspective. My recent work also involves the examination of how early adverse experiences would impact children’s brain health and cognitive outcomes. My research integrates a combination of behavioral (child looking behaviors), physiological (ECG and EEG/ERP), and neuroimaging (Cortical source localization, fNIRS and MRI) techniques.
I will join the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences and IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at Peking University as an assistant professor in Fall 2021.
PhD in Experimental Psychology, 2012 - 2017
University of South Carolina
BA in Psychology, 2008 - 2012
East Tennessee State University